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  Get the number of times the user has changed his password.

  U_PWDTC()   No arguments are required

 Return Type & Value
  Returns the number of times the user has changed his password.

  PCBoard has the ability to track the total number of times each user
  changes his password.  This function will return that count for the user
  currently online.  Unlike the predefined U_... user variables, this
  function does not require the use of GETUSER to return valid
  information.  However, it does require that the password PSA has been
  installed to return meaningful information.  The existence of the
  password PSA may be checked via the PSA() function.

  IF (PSA(4)) THEN
    PRINTLN "You have changed your password ",U_PWDTC()," times."

See Also: PSA()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson